pyeda.boolalg.picosat — PicoSAT C Extension

Interface to PicoSAT SAT solver C extension



PicoSAT version string

PicoSAT copyright statement


exception picosat.Error

An error happened inside PicoSAT. Examples include initialization errors, and unexpected return codes.

Interface Functions

satisfy_one(nvars, clauses, assumptions, verbosity=0, default_phase=2, propagation_limit=-1, decision_limit=-1)

If the input CNF is satisfiable, return a satisfying input point. A contradiction will return None.


nvars : posint
Number of variables in the CNF
clauses : iter of iter of (nonzero) int
The CNF clauses
assumptions : iter of (nonzero) int
Add assumptions (unit clauses) to the CNF
verbosity : int, optional
Set verbosity level. A verbosity level of 1 and above prints more and more detailed progress reports to stdout.

default_phase : {0, 1, 2, 3}

Set default initial phase:
  • 0 = false
  • 1 = true
  • 2 = Jeroslow-Wang (default)
  • 3 = random
progagation_limit : int
Set a limit on the number of propagations. A negative value sets no propagation limit.
decision_limit : int
Set a limit on the number of decisions. A negative value sets no decision limit.


tuple of {-1, 0, 1}
  • -1 : zero
  • 0 : dont-care
  • 1 : one
satisfy_all(nvars, clauses, verbosity=0, default_phase=2, propagation_limit=-1, decision_limit=-1)

Iterate through all satisfying input points.


nvars : posint
Number of variables in the CNF
clauses : iter of iter of (nonzero) int
The CNF clauses
verbosity : int, optional
Set verbosity level. A verbosity level of 1 and above prints more and more detailed progress reports to stdout.
default_phase : {0, 1, 2, 3}
Set default initial phase:
  • 0 = false
  • 1 = true
  • 2 = Jeroslow-Wang (default)
  • 3 = random
progagation_limit : int
Set a limit on the number of propagations. A negative value sets no propagation limit.
decision_limit : int
Set a limit on the number of decisions. A negative value sets no decision limit.


iter of tuple of {-1, 0, 1}
  • -1 : zero
  • 0 : dont-care
  • 1 : one