Source code for pyeda.boolalg.bdd

The :mod:`pyeda.boolalg.bdd` module implements
Boolean functions represented as binary decision diagrams.

Interface Functions:

* :func:`bddvar` --- Return a unique BDD variable
* :func:`expr2bdd` --- Convert an expression into a binary decision diagram
* :func:`bdd2expr` --- Convert a binary decision diagram into an expression
* :func:`upoint2bddpoint` --- Convert an untyped point into a BDD point
* :func:`ite` --- BDD if-then-else operator

Interface Classes:

* :class:`BDDNode`
* :class:`BinaryDecisionDiagram`

  * :class:`BDDConstant`
  * :class:`BDDVariable`

import collections
import random
import weakref

from pyeda.boolalg import boolfunc
from pyeda.boolalg.expr import exprvar, Or, And
from pyeda.util import cached_property

# existing BDDVariable references

# node/bdd cache
_BDDNODES = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
_BDDS = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

[docs]class BDDNode: """Binary decision diagram node A BDD node represents one cofactor in the decomposition of a Boolean function. Nodes are uniquely identified by a ``root`` integer, ``lo`` child node, and ``hi`` child node: * ``root`` is the cofactor variable's ``uniqid`` attribute * ``lo`` is the zero cofactor node * ``hi`` is the one cofactor node The ``root`` of the zero node is -2, and the ``root`` of the one node is -1. Both zero/one nodes have ``lo=None`` and ``hi=None``. Do **NOT** create BDD nodes using the ``BDDNode`` constructor. BDD node instances are managed internally. """ def __init__(self, root, lo, hi): self.root = root self.lo = lo self.hi = hi
BDDNODEZERO = _BDDNODES[(-2, None, None)] = BDDNode(-2, None, None) BDDNODEONE = _BDDNODES[(-1, None, None)] = BDDNode(-1, None, None)
[docs]def bddvar(name, index=None): r"""Return a unique BDD variable. A Boolean *variable* is an abstract numerical quantity that may assume any value in the set :math:`B = \{0, 1\}`. The ``bddvar`` function returns a unique Boolean variable instance represented by a binary decision diagram. Variable instances may be used to symbolically construct larger BDDs. A variable is defined by one or more *names*, and zero or more *indices*. Multiple names establish hierarchical namespaces, and multiple indices group several related variables. If the ``name`` parameter is a single ``str``, it will be converted to ``(name, )``. The ``index`` parameter is optional; when empty, it will be converted to an empty tuple ``()``. If the ``index`` parameter is a single ``int``, it will be converted to ``(index, )``. Given identical names and indices, the ``bddvar`` function will always return the same variable: >>> bddvar('a', 0) is bddvar('a', 0) True To create several single-letter variables: >>> a, b, c, d = map(bddvar, 'abcd') To create variables with multiple names (inner-most first): >>> fifo_push = bddvar(('push', 'fifo')) >>> fifo_pop = bddvar(('pop', 'fifo')) .. seealso:: For creating arrays of variables with incremental indices, use the :func:`pyeda.boolalg.bfarray.bddvars` function. """ bvar = boolfunc.var(name, index) try: var = _BDDVARIABLES[bvar.uniqid] except KeyError: var = _BDDVARIABLES[bvar.uniqid] = BDDVariable(bvar) _BDDS[var.node] = var return var
def _expr2bddnode(expr): """Convert an expression into a BDD node.""" if expr.is_zero(): return BDDNODEZERO elif expr.is_one(): return BDDNODEONE else: top = # Register this variable _ = bddvar(top.names, top.indices) root = top.uniqid lo = _expr2bddnode(expr.restrict({top: 0})) hi = _expr2bddnode(expr.restrict({top: 1})) return _bddnode(root, lo, hi)
[docs]def expr2bdd(expr): """Convert an expression into a binary decision diagram.""" return _bdd(_expr2bddnode(expr))
[docs]def bdd2expr(bdd, conj=False): """Convert a binary decision diagram into an expression. This function will always return an expression in two-level form. If *conj* is ``False``, return a sum of products (SOP). Otherwise, return a product of sums (POS). For example:: >>> a, b = map(bddvar, 'ab') >>> bdd2expr(~a & b | a & ~b) Or(And(~a, b), And(a, ~b)) """ if conj: outer, inner = (And, Or) paths = _iter_all_paths(bdd.node, BDDNODEZERO) else: outer, inner = (Or, And) paths = _iter_all_paths(bdd.node, BDDNODEONE) terms = list() for path in paths: expr_point = {exprvar(v.names, v.indices): val for v, val in _path2point(path).items()} terms.append(boolfunc.point2term(expr_point, conj)) return outer(*[inner(*term) for term in terms])
[docs]def upoint2bddpoint(upoint): """Convert an untyped point into a BDD point. .. seealso:: For definitions of points an untyped points, see the :mod:`pyeda.boolalg.boolfunc` module. """ point = dict() for uniqid in upoint[0]: point[_BDDVARIABLES[uniqid]] = 0 for uniqid in upoint[1]: point[_BDDVARIABLES[uniqid]] = 1 return point
[docs]def ite(f, g, h): r"""BDD if-then-else (ITE) operator The *f*, *g*, and *h* arguments are BDDs. The ITE(f, g, h) operator means "if *f* is true, return *g*, else return *h*". It is equivalent to: * DNF form: ``f & g | ~f & h`` * CNF form: ``(~f | g) & (f | h)`` """ f, g, h = map(, (f, g, h)) return _bdd(_ite(f.node, g.node, h.node))
def _bddnode(root, lo, hi): """Return a unique BDD node.""" if lo is hi: node = lo else: key = (root, lo, hi) try: node = _BDDNODES[key] except KeyError: node = _BDDNODES[key] = BDDNode(*key) return node def _bdd(node): """Return a unique BDD.""" try: bdd = _BDDS[node] except KeyError: bdd = _BDDS[node] = BinaryDecisionDiagram(node) return bdd def _path2point(path): """Convert a BDD path to a BDD point.""" return {_BDDVARIABLES[node.root]: int(node.hi is path[i+1]) for i, node in enumerate(path[:-1])}
[docs]class BinaryDecisionDiagram(boolfunc.Function): """Boolean function represented by a binary decision diagram .. seealso:: This is a subclass of :class:`pyeda.boolalg.boolfunc.Function` BDDs have a single attribute, ``node``, that points to a node in the managed unique table. There are two ways to construct a BDD: * Convert an expression using the ``expr2bdd`` function. * Use operators on existing BDDs. Use the ``bddvar`` function to create BDD variables, and use the Python ``~|&^`` operators for NOT, OR, AND, XOR. For example:: >>> a, b, c, d = map(bddvar, 'abcd') >>> f = ~a | b & c ^ d The ``BinaryDecisionDiagram`` class is useful for type checking, e.g. ``isinstance(f, BinaryDecisionDiagram)``. Do **NOT** create a BDD using the ``BinaryDecisionDiagram`` constructor. BDD instances are managed internally, and you will not be able to use the Python ``is`` operator to establish formal equivalence with manually constructed BDDs. """ def __init__(self, node): self.node = node # Operators def __invert__(self): return _bdd(_neg(self.node)) def __or__(self, other): other_node = # f | g <=> ITE(f, 1, g) return _bdd(_ite(self.node, BDDNODEONE, other_node)) def __and__(self, other): other_node = # f & g <=> ITE(f, g, 0) return _bdd(_ite(self.node, other_node, BDDNODEZERO)) def __xor__(self, other): other_node = # f ^ g <=> ITE(f, g', g) return _bdd(_ite(self.node, _neg(other_node), other_node)) # From Function @cached_property def support(self): return frozenset(self.inputs) @cached_property def inputs(self): _inputs = list() for node in self.dfs_postorder(): if node.root > 0: v = _BDDVARIABLES[node.root] if v not in _inputs: _inputs.append(v) return tuple(reversed(_inputs)) def urestrict(self, upoint): return _bdd(_urestrict(self.node, upoint)) def compose(self, mapping): node = self.node for v, g in mapping.items(): fv0, fv1 = _bdd(node).cofactors(v) node = _ite(g.node, fv1.node, fv0.node) return _bdd(node) def satisfy_one(self): path = _find_path(self.node, BDDNODEONE) if path is None: return None else: return _path2point(path) def satisfy_all(self): for path in _iter_all_paths(self.node, BDDNODEONE): yield _path2point(path) def is_zero(self): return self.node is BDDNODEZERO def is_one(self): return self.node is BDDNODEONE @staticmethod def box(obj): if isinstance(obj, BinaryDecisionDiagram): return obj elif obj == 0 or obj == '0': return BDDZERO elif obj == 1 or obj == '1': return BDDONE else: return CONSTANTS[bool(obj)] # Specific to BinaryDecisionDiagram
[docs] def dfs_preorder(self): """Iterate through nodes in depth first search (DFS) pre-order.""" yield from _dfs_preorder(self.node, set())
[docs] def dfs_postorder(self): """Iterate through nodes in depth first search (DFS) post-order.""" yield from _dfs_postorder(self.node, set())
[docs] def bfs(self): """Iterate through nodes in breadth first search (BFS) order.""" yield from _bfs(self.node, set())
[docs] def equivalent(self, other): """Return whether this BDD is equivalent to *other*. You can also use Python's ``is`` operator for BDD equivalency testing. For example:: >>> a, b, c = map(bddvar, 'abc') >>> f1 = a ^ b ^ c >>> f2 = a & ~b & ~c | ~a & b & ~c | ~a & ~b & c | a & b & c >>> f1 is f2 True """ other = return self.node is other.node
[docs] def to_dot(self, name='BDD'): # pragma: no cover """Convert to DOT language representation. See the `DOT language reference <>`_ for details. """ parts = ['graph', name, '{'] for node in self.dfs_postorder(): if node is BDDNODEZERO: parts += ['n' + str(id(node)), '[label=0,shape=box];'] elif node is BDDNODEONE: parts += ['n' + str(id(node)), '[label=1,shape=box];'] else: v = _BDDVARIABLES[node.root] parts.append('n' + str(id(node))) parts.append('[label="{}",shape=circle];'.format(v)) for node in self.dfs_postorder(): if node is not BDDNODEZERO and node is not BDDNODEONE: parts += ['n' + str(id(node)), '--', 'n' + str(id(node.lo)), '[label=0,style=dashed];'] parts += ['n' + str(id(node)), '--', 'n' + str(id(node.hi)), '[label=1];'] parts.append('}') return " ".join(parts)
[docs]class BDDConstant(BinaryDecisionDiagram): """Binary decision diagram constant zero/one The ``BDDConstant`` class is useful for type checking, e.g. ``isinstance(f, BDDConstant)``. Do **NOT** create a BDD using the ``BDDConstant`` constructor. BDD instances are managed internally, and the BDD zero/one instances are singletons. """ VALUE = NotImplemented def __bool__(self): return bool(self.VALUE) def __int__(self): return self.VALUE def __str__(self): return str(self.VALUE)
class _BDDZero(BDDConstant): """Binary decision diagram zero""" VALUE = 0 def __init__(self): super(_BDDZero, self).__init__(BDDNODEZERO) class _BDDOne(BDDConstant): """Binary decision diagram one""" VALUE = 1 def __init__(self): super(_BDDOne, self).__init__(BDDNODEONE) BDDZERO = _BDDS[BDDNODEZERO] = _BDDZero() BDDONE = _BDDS[BDDNODEONE] = _BDDOne() CONSTANTS = [BDDZERO, BDDONE]
[docs]class BDDVariable(boolfunc.Variable, BinaryDecisionDiagram): """Binary decision diagram variable The ``BDDVariable`` class is useful for type checking, e.g. ``isinstance(f, BDDVariable)``. Do **NOT** create a BDD using the ``BDDVariable`` constructor. Use the :func:`bddvar` function instead. """ def __init__(self, bvar): boolfunc.Variable.__init__(self, bvar.names, bvar.indices) node = _bddnode(bvar.uniqid, BDDNODEZERO, BDDNODEONE) BinaryDecisionDiagram.__init__(self, node)
def _neg(node): """Return the inverse of *node*.""" if node is BDDNODEZERO: return BDDNODEONE elif node is BDDNODEONE: return BDDNODEZERO else: return _bddnode(node.root, _neg(node.lo), _neg(node.hi)) def _ite(f, g, h): """Return node that results from recursively applying ITE(f, g, h).""" # ITE(f, 1, 0) = f if g is BDDNODEONE and h is BDDNODEZERO: return f # ITE(f, 0, 1) = f' elif g is BDDNODEZERO and h is BDDNODEONE: return _neg(f) # ITE(1, g, h) = g elif f is BDDNODEONE: return g # ITE(0, g, h) = h elif f is BDDNODEZERO: return h # ITE(f, g, g) = g elif g is h: return g else: # ITE(f, g, h) = ITE(x, ITE(fx', gx', hx'), ITE(fx, gx, hx)) root = min(node.root for node in (f, g, h) if node.root > 0) upoint0 = frozenset([root]), frozenset() upoint1 = frozenset(), frozenset([root]) fv0, gv0, hv0 = [_urestrict(node, upoint0) for node in (f, g, h)] fv1, gv1, hv1 = [_urestrict(node, upoint1) for node in (f, g, h)] return _bddnode(root, _ite(fv0, gv0, hv0), _ite(fv1, gv1, hv1)) def _urestrict(node, upoint, cache=None): """Return node that results from untyped point restriction.""" if node is BDDNODEZERO or node is BDDNODEONE: return node if cache is None: cache = dict() try: ret = cache[node] except KeyError: if node.root in upoint[0]: ret = _urestrict(node.lo, upoint, cache) elif node.root in upoint[1]: ret = _urestrict(node.hi, upoint, cache) else: lo = _urestrict(node.lo, upoint, cache) hi = _urestrict(node.hi, upoint, cache) ret = _bddnode(node.root, lo, hi) cache[node] = ret return ret def _find_path(start, end, path=tuple()): """Return the path from start to end. If no path exists, return None. """ path = path + (start, ) if start is end: return path else: ret = None if start.lo is not None: ret = _find_path(start.lo, end, path) if ret is None and start.hi is not None: ret = _find_path(start.hi, end, path) return ret def _iter_all_paths(start, end, rand=False, path=tuple()): """Iterate through all paths from start to end.""" path = path + (start, ) if start is end: yield path else: nodes = [start.lo, start.hi] if rand: # pragma: no cover random.shuffle(nodes) for node in nodes: if node is not None: yield from _iter_all_paths(node, end, rand, path) def _dfs_preorder(node, visited): """Iterate through nodes in DFS pre-order.""" if node not in visited: visited.add(node) yield node if node.lo is not None: yield from _dfs_preorder(node.lo, visited) if node.hi is not None: yield from _dfs_preorder(node.hi, visited) def _dfs_postorder(node, visited): """Iterate through nodes in DFS post-order.""" if node.lo is not None: yield from _dfs_postorder(node.lo, visited) if node.hi is not None: yield from _dfs_postorder(node.hi, visited) if node not in visited: visited.add(node) yield node def _bfs(node, visited): """Iterate through nodes in BFS order.""" queue = collections.deque() queue.appendleft(node) while queue: node = queue.pop() if node not in visited: if node.lo is not None: queue.appendleft(node.lo) if node.hi is not None: queue.appendleft(node.hi) visited.add(node) yield node